Divadlo Kámen

The Rainstick - about the project

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The longterm programme of Divadlo Kámen consists in staging of plays freely inspired by the most recent works of Czech literature. Within The Rainstick project, we create and perform theatre based on the novel by the Czech writer Jiří Hájíček published by Host.

In our opinion, the topic of “home” and its exploration from various points of view is the connecting line of the overall project. Theatre is essential, however, several other disciplines are also present:

The theatre includes intermezzos performed by guests invited for the particular evening – either theoreticians (psychologists, sociologists, politicians, ...) or artists (dancers, musicians, writers, ...) dealing with diverse aspects of “home” in a broad sense.

We work together with the Norwegian contemporary dance group Haugen Produksjoner and other direct project partners, from diverse social and national environments including minorities. Their involvement into the piece itself, which is constructed for this type of action, provides us an opportunity to explore and compare various attitudes, views, opinions, approaches, stories and behavioural patterns associated with our central topic. In addition to performances, we also organize discussions and share opinions and ideas. In this way, both we ourselves and the audience clarify many notions and raise many questions.

Joint efforts together with our Norwegian and other partners also bring to the creative community around Divadlo Kámen the sharing of joys and sorrows in cultural entrepreneurship, which is more than interesting today, during both official workshops and informal discussions and debates.

obrazek Projekt "Dešťová hůl" je podpořen grantem z Islandu, Lichtenštejnska a Norska v rámci fondů EHP
"The Rainstick" project is supported by the peoples of Iceland, Lichtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants.

Kontaktní osoba / contact person: Kateřina Poláková, +420 607 789 429, katerina.marie@divadlokamen.cz

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